What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for the Mom-to-Be

Have you started packing for your hospital check-in yet? Good news! You don’t have to stand in front of your closet wondering what to pack. This blog post is all you need to get started with your hospital bag checklist. We’ll take you through a list of things that are essential for a comfortable stay at the hospital and prepare you for a smooth postpartum period after giving birth. 

Let’s start with the basics. So, when packing for the hospital, you’ll need to bring certain items that will make you feel at ease while you’re there. The most encouraging aspect is that despite its apparent complexity, it really does not have to be that difficult. With this blog post by your side, we are certain that you will know exactly what items to pack in your hospital bag, so without further ado, let’s get started!

A Guide to Packing for the Hospital

It is fine to make preparations for hospitalization at the very last minute. However, because many people experience mental restlessness in the days leading up to the time of delivery, it is recommended that preparations for what to pack in hospital bag for mom be made as early in the pregnancy as possible, preferably before the 36th week.  Instead of putting all of your stuff into one bag, it is more practical to divide them up into three different bags: one for labor, one for the hospitalization, and one for discharge. When the time comes for you to give birth, you should bring only the labor and hospitalization bags with you. You can ask your husband to bring the discharge bag to you while you are in the hospital and leave the delivery bag by your side while you give birth. 

Basics: What to Bring When You’re Going to the Hospital

There are three major categories of things that you need to get ready in order to make everything more convenient. This way, everything you need to know about what to pack in hospital bag for mom will be organized.

Labor Bag

Medical examination certificate, mother-child handbook, necessary documents, ,pens, pajamas,, slippers, wallet, face towel, smartphone & charger, plastic bag, drinks (1 or 2 500 ml plastic bottles), straw, chopsticks, spoon, snacks, etc. as needed

Hospitalization Bag

Postpartum panties (about 3), underwear (about 2), postpartum bra (about 3), pajamas (about 2), socks (about 2), breastfeeding pads (about 5 sets), pelvic belt, skin care products, hair care products, toothpaste/toiletries, shower items, face towel, bath towel, handkerchief for nursing, cardigan, earphones, bag for dad to take underwear home, nail clippers, cash (3-4,000 yen + coins), plastic tote bag for showering, etc.

Discharge Bag

Newborn coveralls, swaddles, underwear, diapers, baby nail clippers, and the mother’s and baby’s personal clothes for discharge should be placed in the discharge bag.

Things for Baby: What Moms-to-Be Need in Their Hospital Bag

Because the hospital already provides many things for babies, you do not need to include the items that are provided by the hospital on your list of what to pack in hospital bag for mom. Checking with the hospital ahead of time to see what kinds of baby necessities they offer can help you avoid bringing more than necessary. 

Baby’s Underwear

The baby’s first pair of underwear, which will be worn after birth, is one of the most crucial items to use while in the hospital. It is best to choose 100% cotton underwear that is kind to the skin because it will come into contact with delicate bare skin. Short-sleeved underwear and “combination underwear,” which combines both short- and long-sleeved underwear, are two of the many varieties of underwear that are offered. Don’t purchase too many newborn sizes (50–60 cm), though, as they will outgrow them in about a month.


When your baby is still getting used to life outside of the womb, a swaddle can help her feel more at ease and protected. Swaddling her helps prevent her from thrashing her arms and legs, which can set off her startle response and perhaps cause her to wake up. Swaddling also helps prevent her from rolling over while she is asleep. Your newborn will remain comfy and warm thanks to the use of a swaddle until her body’s natural temperature kicks in.


Coveralls are similar to onesies and jumpsuits. Coveralls are one-piece outfits that cover your toddler’s body from shoulder to feet and contain zippers or snaps. This is perfect for diaper changes. Coveralls are primarily considered sleepwear, although they’re also wonderful for daywear or playing after an afternoon nap.

Things for Mom: What Moms Need During Birth and After Delivery

What to pack in hospital bag for mom are the items she needs during and after birth.

Mom’s pajamas

2 sheets

It is good to have a breastfeeding mouth, but it is possible if it opens in the front.

Postpartum waist nipper

2 sheets

Things that are easy to wear and things that are hard to wear.

Postpartum shorts

2-3 sheets

May be provided by the maternity hospital.

Breastfeeding bra

2-3 sheets

Preferably open-fronted and not constricting.

Breast milk pads

1 pack- 2 packs

For those who get breast milk immediately.

Postpartum napkin

About 20 sheets

Thick night napkins can be used as a substitute.

Cleaning Cotton

1 box

Used for nipple disinfection and wiping off bad dew.


1 piece

Can be used when it is chilly.


When getting ready for the birth of their child, some moms and fathers may wonder which items are essential, which ones they can get by without, and which ones are merely recommended by medical professionals. As you now know what to prepare for mom, there is little risk of overpacking. With our guide, from experienced moms’ advice and searching the internet, what to pack in hospital bag for mom won’t hurt your peace of mind.