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Young mothers are a popular target for marketing. They are likely to spend more money than other consumers on products that they believe will help their children, including food, clothing and toys. In addition, young mothers want to purchase quality products for their children and believe in fair trade and environmentally friendly brands. Socialwick offers great pricing for people who want to buy YouTube subscribers

Young mothers are a popular target for marketing

Young mothers are the largest consumer group in the world, accounting for more than one-third of spending power (2016). They also have a lot of influence over other consumers: they’re already spending money on products and services that they feel will make them feel good about themselves and their family.

Young mothers purchase products from food to clothing and toys for their children

Young mothers are purchasing products for their children’s food, clothing and toys. The research shows that young mothers are buying more than they used to. They’re spending more time with their kids, doing activities like reading books together or going to the park.

Young mothers usually have less than $10 in their pocket when they leave the house each day—but this doesn’t mean they don’t have any money! A survey conducted by Millennials Generation found that 81% of those surveyed had at least one credit card; 67% owned a debit card; and 60% carried cash on them at all times (Rheingold).

Young mothers rely on recommendations from friends and family

Young mothers are likely to receive a variety of recommendations from friends, family members, and other sources. These can be a good source for finding new brands or products that you might not otherwise have known about. Your friend who has kids the same age as yours may know all about what’s best for your baby’s development—and she may even have some tricks up her sleeve! Her advice might apply to your daughter as well. Sharing this information with others in the community can help spread knowledge about safe products and practices when it comes to raising children while also increasing brand affinity with young mothers who trust those recommendations so much

Young mothers believe in fair trade and buy products that are environmentally friendly

Young mothers are concerned about the environment, and they want to purchase products that are environmentally friendly. They also want to purchase products that support causes they believe in.

Young mothers have a tendency to be more concerned with what happens in their community than others do. This can lead them to become involved with causes that affect their families and friends, such as fair trade programs and animal rights organizations.

Young mothers like to purchase from companies who support causes they believe in

They also like to purchase from environmentally friendly, fair trade and children-friendly brands. In fact, the majority of young mothers agreed with the statement “I would be more likely to buy a product if I knew it was made by a company that supports causes I believe in.”

Cause marketing can increase brand affinity

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between brand affinity and cause marketing with young mothers. Brand affinity is a measure of the strength of consumer’s relationship with a brand, while cause marketing refers to efforts by companies to promote products or causes through their products.

Cause marketing has been shown to increase awareness, purchase intent and loyalty among consumers who are highly engaged in social issues (Tullis & Fritsch 2013). Young mothers may be particularly attractive targets for causes as they tend to care deeply about social issues but may lack financial resources or time (Kotler & Rothbard 2015).


The above findings suggest that cause marketing can influence young mothers’ purchase decisions and brand affinity, but there is still a lot more research that needs to be done to understand the long-term impact of causes on purchasing behaviors. In fact, we have yet to see any studies that look at how long term brand affinity changes after receiving cause marketing messages. Such studies would help marketers better understand what motivates consumers in order to develop more effective campaigns for brands.